Delving into Delusion

Extracting wav Audio File from mp4 Video with FFmpeg in Ubuntu

 April 24, 2020      Stardate: 73778.3     Tagged as: Ubuntu FFmpeg GoPro Davinci Resolve 16

In a previous post I showed a work-around for importing H.264 mp4 files into the free Linux version of Davinci Resolve 16 (DR16). For many reasons, I made the decision to purchase the full Studio version. This lets me directly import mp4 videos but, the audio still doesn’t work. Linux DR16 doesn’t import AAC audio. I read on the BlackMagic forums that it is a licensing thing.

DR16 Input Codecs

Since we are on Ubuntu and are comfortable with the command line and scripts…right??… we can just use ffmpeg to pop us out a PCM encoded .wav file that can be imported into the DR16 timeline and linked to the clip.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 16000 input_audio.wav

You could also turn this into a Nautilus shell script and run it by right-clicking on an .mp4 file, the instructions are here.

Software Versions

This is an automated list of software versions used during the writing of this article.

OS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
DavinciResolve 16.1.2-1